

SENCo Details

Miss Angie James

01536 411208

Sometimes children present with learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age. Children with such needs may need extra or different help from that given to other children. At Kettering Park Junior Academy we are very proud of our inclusive ethos. As such, our school is made up of children with a wide range of abilities, and we believe that over the years many children with SEN and/or disabilities have enjoyed their time at our school. We foster a holistic approach that has enabled the children to thrive and make good progress academically, socially and emotionally preparing the children for the next phase of their educational journey.

We closely monitor how all of our children with SEND progress academically, socially and emotionally. Our aim is that children with SEND achieve their full potential just like every other child in school. This is achieved through the use of Individual Education Plans, where appropriate, meetings with teachers and parents, provision of specialist resources, accessing specialist support and targeted interventions that meet a child’s individual needs. Children with SEN and/or disabilities are fully included in all school activities including after school clubs, trips and school shows/productions.


For further information within the local authority on all aspects of SEND please refer to:

Here is a link to Northamptonshire's Local Offer where you can access lots of information about services for children and young people in Northamptonshire (aged 0-25) with special educational needs and disabilities. Northamptonshire Local Offer.


Information Advice Support Service is a free service in Northamptonshire that provides confidential, impartial advice, guidance and support to parents of children with special educational needs and children and young people with SEND. IASS can be contacted on 01604 364772.