

School Admissions

Please note policies are available on our school policy page and our statutory trust policy page.

Whilst the academy has close ties with Kettering Park Infant Academy, we welcome applications from all Infants schools. Children transfer to us at the age of 7+ and during the summer term a liaison programme is arranged to ensure children who will be joining us in September are able to move into our academy with confidence. 


Visiting our Academy

Prospective parents who would like to visit the school are invited to contact the office to make an appointment to meet our Family Support Worker. They will be made most welcome. Please contact 01536 411208 or to arrange a visit.


To Apply for a place at our Academy

Northamptonshire County Council is responsible for school admissions and appeals.  Please visit their website to make an application -


New Pupils

Once your application is accepted we will call you to arrange a show round and give you the necessary paperwork. Please browse our website for information with regard to meals, uniform, timings etc. Once your child is on roll you will receive a number of emails asking you to log in to the various communication, payment and learning systems we use. If you have any queries the office will happily help you.


First day of school information:

The school day starts at 8:45am and finishes at 3:15pm for all year groups.

The school gates are opened at 8:35am each morning.

Late arrivals and late collections are monitored on a daily basis.

The day is organised as follows:

08:45 – 12:15 : Morning Session

12:15 – 13.05 : Lunch Break

13:05 – 15:15 : Afternoon Session



Good attendance is expected and rewarded at Kettering Park Academy. If your child is unable to attend due to illness please notify the school office on 01536 411208 as soon as possible. There is a 24 hour telephone answering service to enable you to report an absence at any time.

The school does not authorise term time holidays. From 1st September 2013, a new law gives NO entitlement to parents to take their child on holiday during term time. Any application for leave must only be in exceptional circumstances and Headteachers would not be expected to class any term time holiday as exceptional. Parents can be fined by the Local Authority and the initial Fixed Penalty Notice of £60.00 will be issued to each parent for each child (i.e. two parent family, two children = £240.00).

Further information about attendance is published in the school's attendance leaflet (this can be found in policies/statutory information).

Parents are welcome to send a healthy snack into school each day for their child to eat during the mid-morning break. Suggestions include:

Fruit - try slicing the fruit to make it more appealing

Fresh fruit salad

Dried fruit (raisins, dates, apricots, prunes etc)

Fruit bar

Vegetable sticks (carrot, cucumber, peppers)

A yoghurt or fromage frais

A piece of bread, crumpet, malt loaf et

Packed Lunches

We ask for packed lunches to be provided in a named lunchbox or bag. We encourage parents to provide healthy, nutritious packed lunches and ask that they do not send nut products into school.

Applying for Secondary School

When your child enters Year 6 you can begin making an application for secondary school. Applications open in early September and close at the end of October, however, you can make a late application. This may result in your options being limited. Please follow the link below to make your online application and to receive further information.